Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Allison ROCKs my socks

I was supremely honoured to be awarded this by Allison (the Queen of Link Love & crafty goddess in her own right!) She Rocks my Socks so I am starting my first award chain ever in her honour...

Check out Stampin' when I Can! (if you've never seen it, where have you been? Stuck in an iceberg? ;0) heehee) AND you won't want to miss Stamping Links to Love.

Mary the creator of this funky award (who left the rules wide open---viva la creative anarchy!) also rocks my socks. Thanks Mary :0)

I'd like to spread the love with the Blogging with a purpose (and You Rock my Socks!): Valita & Cpeep & Linsey who share their original ideas and templates to rock everyone's world :0)

Thanks Ladies! :0)


  1. Mel,thankyou so much it makes my day to see others love the stuff we make and share....Luv Valita

  2. Congrats Mel! What a great award.


♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel