Saturday, May 31, 2008

Notecard Set with vellum butterflies

I didn't like these cards until I realized the lilacs matched them, hehe. (I'm such a dork for flowers.) I've been trying to make myself do some simple projects. You know those Kristina Werner, & Nichole Heady ...who have mastered the art of simple made beautiful? Card artists who make cards like this beauty of Bonnie's?...I'm not one of 'em, but I wanna be! :0) They make simple look so easy, but It's just not my forté. So I'm practicing. (I kinda got to thinking though, maybe the distressed thing is a no-go for the simple look? What do you think?)

Anywho, these note cards are for a gift set for someone who loves purple, so hopefully they'll go over well--simple or not.

The medallion thingies are done with silver-accented distressed emboss-resist. Wanna try it?:
  1. Sponge a piece of white glossy cardstock with desired ink colour (I used Pale Plum)
  2. Stamp with versamark ink & emboss with clear embossing powder (the flower medaillion is from Carte Postale)
  3. Go over the whole thing with ink colour (I used Elegant Eggplant)
  4. Add silver details with a Zig painty (or gold by using its other end) :0)
  5. Sand to distress (if you like distressing.)
  6. Add gem brad...altered brad... whatever you like.
Other details: Cardstock: Almost Amethyst, Added mat in same c.s. stamped with linen & faux stitched. Embossed main card using Stitched & the paisleys from Wanted & Loonies for Littles set (the paisleys in the 2 sets match--cool huh?) Ribbon is SU.

These wee vellum butterflies were just hanging out on the front of my china cabinet, and they landed on these cards ;0). Colourwise, they're much more subtle in person. They match the tones of the cards a little better... I have got to take a photography class and get some lighting, so I can capture the look of real-life. Wouldn't it be great if we all had photo studios for our blogging? heehee

If you'd like to make your own butterflies, it's really easy:
Just print 'em out from your computer onto vellum. If you'd like brighter colours, cardstock seems to work nicely. Here's an older post with butterfly links for you

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Hope you have a great weekend! :0)


  1. I think these are lovely, know what you mean about people making simple looking elegant, I can't pull it off but these cards sure did, they are great, love the butterfly accent

  2. simple is great and so hard to do for most, but you did it beautifully.
    Nice easy to follow directions too.

  3. I love your simple cards!! They look very elegant. I'm not very good with simple cards but yours are fabulous!!

    I love that butterfly too. . .great addition!


  4. How very beautiful :)

    Thankyou for the inspiration :)


♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel