Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ouuu, I'm giddy! Pop cans sharpen Punches

So I have this punch and it sucks. I tried tinfoil & wax paper (LOTS of it!) but to no avail. It was still lame.

I was making breakfast and drinking stale pop (Gross hey? I know, I never drink pop, but I had a craving and it's good stale, lol) Anywho, I was thinking about cuttlebugging with pop cans and it struck me (or was that the sugar rush hitting?) ;0) I thought 'Why not try sharpening that punch with them?' I had a garbagey punch to sacrifice to the mad experiement...and...

It really improved the punch. I was left with those cool little flowers too.

Some pop can tricks:
Happy Craftin' :0)


  1. Thanks for this tip! :) I may have to try that!

  2. I read this somewhere, but never tried it, since none of my punches need sharpening yet :-)
    I think you can sharpen your scissors too this way.
    I subscribe to your blog through reader. Do I count?
    Typically, unless there is something informative, I like to see a creation every other day. Fair enough?

  3. I'm glad to know that you have tried this and that it works. I saw someone on their blog cutting flower shapes out of cans with scissors and wondered at the time if it would work to sharpen punches/scissors. You've answered my question!!!

    And thanks for answering my question about the ink pad holder. I thought maybe it was one of those that is made from foam core board. I have the instructions but have never made one.

    Daily posts are good for me. Thanks for all the terrific ideas and information you share with us.

  4. Wow...this is good to know! I think it is definitely worth the 10 cents. Thanks!!

  5. Well, maybe that is what could have been done with mine, eh! Or, probably need to be with my new one whenever it shows! Thanks hon. Will have to try it.
    You are so creative and your tutorials are great. Why aren't you making a newsletter and charging people for sharing your creativity and talent.

  6. Great, I can finally stop replacing my punches and spending money on new ones and just sharpen the old o/h will love you for this tip! :-)

  7. So cool! My three flower boho punch is crappy too. I'm trying this today. I hope it does the trick! I'm thinking of all the things I could do with the leftover flowers...

  8. Fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing. Now, how did you safely open the can? Does it want to curl up after open? Is this safe for a klutz like me? LOL!

  9. Good to know you tried this too. I found it out from a friend, and was so thrilled because it seems that every border punch I buy is so dull.
    I did try to cuttlebug the tin, but with no M/C, just the folders, you have to apply a lot of pressure to that rolling pin I'll tell you. LOL
    but an empty tomatoepaste tube works great too (guess that is alluminum though).

  10. And I thought I was the only one with a lousy Boho punch! I will most definitely try your trick!

    Thanks a bunch!

  11. Love the tip on sharpening the punches! I gave up on my flower punch because after a while, it hurt my hand. Love the way your flowers turned out!! TFS!

  12. What a great idea!!! TFS!

  13. Hey! Coool idea! My punch (that looks just like that one!!) stamps kinda crappy too...maybe I should have a can of stale pop and sharpen it right up! : )

  14. ROFLMBO!!!! omg- that is *SO* me, but I usually have a swig, and go 'yeeeeeeeUCK!' LOL

    you mojo-less is like a day without sunshine! so no more of that k? ;)

  15. So I'm in the middle of a card class at our LSS, trying to do a scallop with my corner rounder and it poops out on me and it will only tear the paper, it won't cut. So I remember your blog idea and off I go to the recycling bin and I pull out a pop can and cut open a pop can and I try to use it to sharpen my punch. But it won't even cut... any ideas??
    Beth G

  16. Oh my goodness...I so needed to know to try it. :)

  17. Great tip and those soda pop flowers are so neat!

  18. you are one smart cookie! I am going to try this later on a few of my punches that are lame too. it's so hard getting through the foil without it getting stuck


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