Sunday, June 29, 2008

Turn Embossing Folders into stamps! with a Cuttlebug (or other machines)

Nope, Provocraft didn't come out with stamps. This background...

...started out as (you guessed it!) fun foam in a Cuttlebug folder. First it became this...

...a rather hazy looking stamped image, but then it turned into this more defined pattern:

The stamping is murky-ish, but it gives you great guidelines to doodle patterns on with pens. (I used a Sakura glaze pen in white, a silver pen and a Sakura glitter pen to add interest and definition.)

This one is my fave:

It was even easier than that first gray one--made in three simple steps:

1. Stamping with the new fun foam stamp I made on soft sky c.s. (This uses the Fantasy Floral folder. How-to make the stamp below)
2. Tracing the stamped outlines with a Sakura Quickie glue pen
3. Adding Dazzling Diamonds glitter while the glue lines were wet.

(It was inspired by Maria's stunning creation, which I've linked to before, but can't get out of my mind 'cause it's SO Gorgeous!)

How to make a stamp with Cuttlebug folders:


  • Cardstock
  • Fun foam (cut so it will fit your embossing folder)
  • Cuttlebug or other machine
  • Embossing folder
  • Craft/pigment ink (though another ink may work, I've not tried it)
  • Brayer (gives even coverage)
  • Large block [(to apply even pressure) an acrylic block, a wooden background stamp block, cuttlebug A B or C plate would work]
  • Heat gun (to set ink)

Optional supplies:
  • Pens (gel, glaze, glitter, embellish or outline. Markers work, but can get gummed up with craft ink)
  • Glitter
  • Embossing powder (to emboss if desired)


Run fun foam through your cuttlebug folder. (You may want to experiment with different brands of fun foam as some hold the embossing better than others.) I like to have everything out so that I can work quickly

2. Lay the embossed fun foam on a scrap piece of paper to protect your work area.

3. Brayer the fun foam with craft/pigment ink

4. Lay cardstock on top of fun foam

5. Add the block & apply even pressure

6. Lift the block. You may find the fun foam sticks (mine did) just peel it away :0)

7. Set the ink with a heat gun

8. Add details with pens/emboss/glue pen & glitter---if you like. (You may want to work carefully to avoid smudging, but heat gunning should take the sticky-smeariness out of your ink)

This soft sky piece above was embossed with clear embossing powder, but some of the lines were vague so I just did a lot of free-hand doodling wit a Sakura white glaze pen.

As you can see with this piece, the stamping can look kind of mucky...

...but it improves a lot when embellished. I doodled on this with a silver marker:

I got my silver marker at the dollar store (acid free even!) I love the silver Sharpie (but it's not acid free.) Here's a picture that sort of captures the detail of the silver marker (sort of):

It looks much nicer in real life, honest! :0)

Something kind of neat: this ribbon used to be white organza. You can just colour on it with a silver marker or swipe it with silver ink. :0)

Other card Details:

Stamped in Whisper White Craft ink on Basic Gray cardstock, doodled on with White Sakura Glaze pen, Silver creative memories pen, Sakura clear glitter pen. Black card edged with silver sharpie. Grey mat (center cut out to save weight) faux-stitched with silver pen. White cardstock in paisley embossing folder. Here's a trick for getting what looks like a large 5 1/2" piece of cuttlebugged paper:

Just use two pieces behind a band of paper. You don't need to worry about the measurement for height (just width) since it will be hidden behind the center band. (Simple, I know, but it might be a good idea for someone, so I hadda share it) :0)

The tab is made with the round tab punch & Simple sayings II.
I markered in the dots...inside it says "...birthday." Notice the silver edging on the black cardstock? I love doin' that. It is quick and cheap & adds a little somethin' somethin' ;0)

Thanks so much for reading!
Hope you're not fed up with fun-foam! :0)

P.S. Blog candy here! Not too long now and I'll draw for it. :0)


  1. WOW Mel that looks fantastic. I'm going to have to try the funky foam.

  2. M - did you try heating the foam before you used the folder on it? It sticks in my mind that some of the craft foam will act like the magic foam blocks and if so, that could result in a more detailed impression?

  3. Mel this looks so fun....too busy tonight to try it but will this week and let you know how I make pics from today on my blog....Nichole is such a great person.

  4. OK Mel, you are just the mad scientist of the paper crafting world. I don't know how you come up with all these ideas. Amazing.

    I think I'm giving you an honorary PhD in Crafty Science!

    Thanks so much for sharing your ideas!

  5. Mel I am absolutely astounded with all these ideas, how on earth do you keep them coming? Let alone churn them out so fast! Brilliant, just brilliant.

    Glenda x

  6. Hi Mel, me again. I have a pressie on my blog for you. You so deserve it!!!! Thanks for all your inspiration.

    Glenda x

  7. Love, love, love it. I did try this but I now know I HAVE to get the m/c, as useing a rolling pin does not cut it. lol

    Thanks A.M. for another fun tutorial, and ever so beautiful card.

  8. You are so creative ! I'm always excited to see what you come up with! :) I love visiting your blog :)

  9. What a neat trick! You are a mad scientist!

  10. Just had a go with the foam Mel you great person you for inspiring us all.

  11. Wow! The results are fabulous! I love it! The fun foam people should hire you as their rep! LOL! Your ideas are so unique!

    Your card. . .what can I say. . .is GORGEOUS! It's amazing what you can do with all the craft materials out there!!

    Thanks Mel for the shout out on my card!! You are just too kind!


  12. We're not worthy! *Snort*
    you are SO clever! I'm going to have to get some of this fun foam, huh? TFS your awesomeness with us!

  13. Wow Mel! You are an amazing crafter!! I love coming to your blog each day and seeing what new creation you have come up with.

    Check out my blog I have a surprise waiting there for you.

  14. This looks good in real life? What we are looking at is not that good? Are you kiddin me?!!!!!
    God this is GORGEOUS! And you are saying it looks better in real life! I am coming there to have a look! lol

  15. This is really cool. I will definitely give this a try. Thanks for all of the details.

  16. wow love this idea, thanks for sharing. Nice card.


♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel