Saturday, July 5, 2008

Lucky Me Stunning RAK from Michelle!

This is inspiration blooming at its most wonderful! Now I see why you ladies adore those teabag flowers so much.! My photo didn't do this long lovely card justice. Michelle's flowers are breathtaking! Check out this dimension:

I've never had the opportunity to drooool all over one in person--until now! :0) I received it in happy-mail from Michelle (my ultra-talented SBS2 Sistah). She's sweetly generous enough to pick commenters on her blog and send them lovelies. She sent me this great ribbon too:

How stunning is that (and *JOY!* <--(Ren & Stimpy voice) it's the exact match to vintage violet (which I LOVE & have a stash to match it to.) Thank you Michelle. You are sweetness personified!

In honour of Michelle I'm going to pick a commenter once a month to send something to.

Check out the details for this lovely & Michelle's other gorgeous creations here too. (exact post for this card here)

Hope your mail is as happy as mine, :0)


  1. Very pretty card. Lucky you. I really like Tea bag folding, which reminds me I have tons done and ready for a card. OH I procrastinate way too much.

  2. Lucky you! That is a stunningly beautiful card!

  3. Lucky gal you! I checked out her blog. Very talented lady. At one point, it got me thinking, what am I doing among all these wonderfully talented crafters. So I will be avoiding her blog for a while:-))

  4. Mel...thanks for the shout out, but YOU are the uber-talented one! I love reading all of your adventures, but I'm not near brave enough to try them all myself!
    Your work is beautiful!


♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel