Friday, October 31, 2008

Today's the last day to win some Shimmerz!

Wanna win some Shimmerz? Today's the last day to win em.
How could I resist the chance to link theze up? (I hear very good things about 'em. My friend Kim picked the clear one up for me yesterday (& swarovski crystals & DP); must hook up with her so I can try them!)

P.S. Apologies about the partial post. I am butterfingers. Is there some new function on blogger that publishes when you hit certain keys? It makes me feel horrible to send out partial posts. SO sorry.


  1. Mel,

    Thanks for posting about Shimmerz on your blog. I had never heard of them, but am totally interested in them and will definately be looking at adding their products to my craft room.

    I left a comment on the Shimmerz blog and let them know how wonderful your blog is and how you lead me to them.

    Thank you again for the wonderful "treats" of your postings!

  2. Oh my I saw these and what a must have or should I say NEED to have. Ty for sharing your amazing talent. I went to Shimmerz blog and name dropped...:-))

  3. you can just unpublish or edit your post if you got butterfingers ;)
    happy halloween!

  4. Thanks for the Shimmerz post. I entered. Hope I win! How have you been doing? Looks as though you are busily creating. I want to try the box. That would be fun to put Christmas surprises in. - jeanne

  5. I love everything shimmery, but the colors are so unique and exceptional. You have given me so much inspiration. Thank you for sharing so many of your beautiful ideas.

  6. never heard of shimmerz, so more reason to give me more ideas on it !! good luck to all that enter & love the blog ! hope i'm not too late to enter ! your ideas always inspire me to go outside my norm, keep up the great work !

  7. All great minds, Mel! Thanks for the tutorial too!


♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel