Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Moldy Mel has been missing You!

Hi All You Fantabulous People You!

Sorry, it's been a lifetime hasn't it? How are you? I hope you are having a fantastic new year so far. I've been missing you all so very badly. I so appreciate your thoughtful emails and kind wishes--more than I can possibly express.

Now that we finally have Internet again, I've been having to keep myself off the computer while I slowly work on getting our new home livable, since I've been feeling really unwell. BUT I'm on the mend and it is all good news and good change from here on in.

The move went well, despite some crazy snow and ice which had us hauling many many a carload. (I have WAY too much stuff! We were fortunate to have lots of help from wonderful friends and family though. (We are so very lucky!)

Our new place is much healthier than the last place, which we discovered was moldy and mildewy (despite running the dehumidifier and cleaning windows etc. with hydrogen peroxide--you should never use bleach, I discovered from our mold remediation company, since it off-gases and is very hazardous. Not to mention that it merely feeds the mold with moisture anyhow!

SOOOoooh... I seem to have a reaction to mold and have ended up with a lung infection, fatigue, achey-ness, & these dang headaches (and a whopping case of whinging, it seems) LOL. After 2 and 1/2 years of moldiness, I'm really grateful to now be living in a clean (non-damp!) place. They tell me the effects of mold exposure can take a while to clear out of your system though, and I'm still feeling surprisingly rundown. I have hopes of being back to my usual obsessive blogging very soon! I am thoroughly convinced that it's intensely hazardous to your health to go without stamping for this long!

I just can't say enough how extremely grateful I am for your patience and all of the love you've been lavishing on me. (Wiping happytears off face...) I am the luckiest blogger ever! I can't tell you how it eases my blues to have you all be so astoundingly kindhearted. You've really kept me going. Thank you so very very much from the bottom of my moldy lil' heart. ;O)

Lots of love,


  1. yayyyyyyyyyyy Mel!!! So GOOD to see you and so glad the move is all done. Not surprised you are run down what with how you have been living and then with all that moving!! I have sent you a PM also, when you get a chance to answer that will be cool. Welcome back buddy!! XX

  2. PS You must send in piccies of your new stamp room (Even if it isnt finished yet!!)

  3. Sooo glad to hear your move went well and your health is on the improve. It's amazing to think how toxic a house can be.
    I've missed checking your blog out and look forward to seeing what you come up with this year - but make sure you take care of yourself first!!!!
    All the very best wishes... xXx

  4. So glad to see you blogging again Mel and hope that you are feeling 100% soon!!

    Good luck in your new home

    Julie x

  5. Great to hear from you again. Glad the move went well and hopefully you'll be feeling on top of the world soon.



  6. Visited your blog for the first time a few weeks ago and even though I've subscribed to your blog, I have checked daily for any updates. Sorry to hear that you haven't been well. Your blog is fabulous and love your work! Take care

  7. Oh Mel, you have been in my thoughts in the past few weeks and days... sure missed you, hope all is well and it is so good to see you again! take it easy, and relax a bit, take time for yourself!! most of all have fun doing whatever you do!! Love and hugs always! Welcome back

  8. YEAH! Mel's back! Mel's back!
    Oh, happy day...

    I am so thankful you are doing well and on the mend.
    You have been greatly missed by all of us here in blogland.

    It's a great start to a new year to have a new home and a NEW stamping room -- Me want to see!

    Sending you hugs, Marilyn

  9. I hope the moldy heart get UN-mouldy real soon! HUGS!!! Mel you have TRULY MISSED!! Love ya!

  10. So happy you're back. I know it will take some time for you to get regrouped with the move and health issues. Mold and Mildrew really mess with your respiratory system.
    Best of luck in your new home.

  11. Hi Mel,
    So glad to read your post this a.m. and hear that you are all moved and settling in your new place. Sounds like you will have to take your time and recover. All of us will have to miss you but let you get well on your own will be difficult for us...LOL.
    Take care and get well.

  12. SOOOOO good to see you back - miss your updates like crazy.

    Hope you are now on the mend.


  13. Yay for you, Mel! I am so glad you are moved and starting to mend!!!

  14. You have been severely missed! So happy to know you are safe and sound and on the mend. Take your time in recovering and know we're all here for ya Ü

  15. MEL! So glad to see you're back and on the road to recovery. Happy to hear your move went well and that you're in a healthy environment. Take care of yourself and I'm sure we'll be seeing your incredible work in no time!
    Hugs, Danielle

  16. Hope you're breathing better soon. We all miss you :)

    Extreme Cards and Papercrafting

  17. So glad to hear that you are on the mend. I've missed your posts. They are so inspirational! Take care of you!

  18. I just know you will be back to your healthy self in no time and we will be here waiting for you. Yay you!


  19. Welcome Back Mel! I've really missed your updates. Glad the move went well and that you are starting to feel better. You are in my thoughts and prayers to a super speedy recovery.

  20. Miss you Mel!!! Just take time to recover...from the move and the mold both. Glad to hear from you. Enjoy your new home.

  21. I'm glad to hear you are getting set up in your new place. Mold is a horrible thing. My sister had to move due to mold in her home too. She lived in San Diego and it was warm and beautiful, but mold heaven.

    I check your blog often to see if you're back yet. Just take the time you need to feel better and I look forward to your first creative post when you are up to it!

  22. Hope you continue to feel better, Mel. Take care of yourself - your blog stalkers can wait a little longer - honest! Ali

  23. HI MEL!!!!! SOOOO glad you are back. SO, take your time, get healthy you know most of us are praying for your fast recovery. Hope to hear from you very soon.

  24. Mel - yes we've all been missing you but we want you back at 100%!! Please take good care of yourself, we will all be here when your back (I know I'm waiting with bells on!) so take care of #1 first!!

  25. Thanks for the update. Glad the move is over and you can live in a place that is so much more healthier for you. I'll be waiting for you when you return to creating and sharing your amazing talent with all of us. However take care of yourself first!

  26. Dear Mel, it's so good to hear from you!
    As a nurse I think about how serious that mold problem can be, and encourage you to PLEASE be sure a lung specialist is involved in your care.
    Rest, relax and we'll wait for you to be all better.

  27. Hi Mel,

    Miss you more. As I have said many times, you are the most brilliant blogger of all. Get well soon. Glad you are getting settled into your new healthy home. Take it easy and get your energy back.


  28. Mel I was just emailing Kim last night and hoping to hear that you were doing better. I think that I was very close to going into Mel-withdrawl. :-)
    Beth Greco

  29. So glad you got moved okay! Now you need to get yourself better, mold related health issues can be nasty so take good care! ~chris

  30. So glad to hear that you are o.k. and will be praying for your to mend quickly so you can come and play! Congrats on the new home and getting away from the nasty mold! Really been missing you! Would love to see pix before and after of your new room, when you are feeling on the mend. Love and Hugs to you Mel.

  31. Hi..I was wondering were you stamped off too..glad to see you are back..cant wait to see what you will have for us in the coming year..but first off take care of you
    Huntington Beach CA

  32. Hope you are feeling better real soon!

  33. Mel!!! You're back!! So glad to see that. Been missing you too! ;) So glad the move went well and that you're finally on the mend.
    See you soon!

  34. So happy you are back and feeling better. It was sooooooo great to have an update in my mailbox this morn.


  35. Great to see a post from you Mel.
    Wishing you much happiness in your new home and a quick recovery from the nasty infections and things.

  36. Welcome back Mel!! I've been missing you too. I hope you get better soon!

    In the mean time I've been looking through some of your older posts and getting lots of ideas. I'm looking forward to new things to learn.


  37. So glad to see you back and that you're on the mend. I love your blog!!
    I've been reading it for a few months now. Your recap post was so full of info that I kept clicking on something new when I checked back to see if you were there.
    Happy New Home!
    Looking forward to more of your posts.

  38. Glad to see you back!! I'm truly happy that things are starting to look up and sunny!!
    Missed you lots....

  39. Glad to hear the move went well. You keep taking care of yourself; we will still be here when you return. :)

  40. Glad you posted Mel....thinking of you and wishing you well!!! I too can't wait to see your new stamping digs! ;)

  41. Happy to hear you are in a new safe, clean home. Blessings to you and yours and hope you are all feeling well soon.

  42. Glad to hear from you Mel! I am glad you are feeling better!
    Take care! Welcome back!

  43. We've missed you too Mel!!! I'm so glad your move is over and you are on the mend!

  44. Hi Mel, welcome back! I missed seeing your posts - hope you're feeling better now. Good luck in your new house - hope it gives you lovely new vibes for your creations!

  45. Hi Mel, so nice to see you posting again, but sorry you've had such a horrible time. Take it easy & don't try to do too much - enjoy your new home! Hugs to you, Kirsten.

  46. Hello Mel! I have just now subscribed to your blog, but I have known about it for awhile are awesome! I'm really sorry to hear about your moldy troubles, but happy to hear you are getting better! Looking forward to getting lots of email notices! :)


  48. So great to see you back. Glad your move is over, that alone will take a lot out of you, then with the health problems! Hope you are feeling great soon.

  49. I hopped over to see if you had drawn the blog candy yet. Sorry you have been ill, mold is bad and you might need anti candida treatment.

    Hope you feel much better soon.

  50. ALL of that mold can get pretty ugly! Glad to hear you'll be a healthier new you!

  51. Welcome back Mel!! Deep breaths and fresh air - good life!!

  52. Mel! We miss you too! And we love you!!! You are the most wonderful lady!

  53. Mel! Yay! I am so glad you are on the mend and settling in to your mold-free home. Take care of you!

  54. Welcome back Mel! You have been sorely missed by so many folk out here in Blog-land.

    Pleased to hear the move went well; here's wishing you renewed health and every happiness in your new home.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful, inspirational pages and for sharing your talent so freely with us all.

    Welcome Back Mel!


  55. So glad to hear from you, Mel. Sorry those darn headaches are still hanging on. Hopefully, things will improve. Take your time coming back (even though I bet you're so anxious to get back to blogging and crafting). Your health is very important, Mel, so please take care of yourself and don't over do.


  56. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope you are back to normal soon. We've missed you.

  57. So glad to see you back, hope your healthproblems will be solved soon. Love your cheerful blogging and your site always makes me happy =D See you soon! Hugs

  58. Glad to hear you are on your way to recovery! I've really missed your blog and can't wait till you're all moved in and feeling better.

  59. Mel - it was so great to "chat" with you online the other night, and it's so nice to see you posting again. Just so you know I fully understand your plight, our brand new home had to be remediated for mold 2 years after it was built. During the remediation, we had to stay in a hotel for 6 weeks before we could return. So I know how dangerous mold can be. Glad that you are out of there and on the mend! Best, Curt

  60. So glad you're on the mend! Best of luck with the new home!

  61. So happy to hear you are living in a healthier environment! Hope you are feeling like normal self again soon!

  62. SOOO glad to hear you're on the mend - have missed you and your lovely bloggness! I hope the new place works out for your health, and you're very happy there!! Wendy xx

  63. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Hopefully, you'll get everything out of your system and be better than ever. We're all looking forward to some more great techniques and beautiful projects.

  64. Oh Mel I'm so happy to hear that you're in your new place and that hopefully your health is on the mend.
    I look forward to seeing your new stamping room and what your imagination will bring in the new year.
    Take care of yourself!

  65. I'm missing you for sure, but take your time coming back. Yah, mold is soooooooooo bad. My sisters and I cleaned out my dad's apartment after he died, and didn't I get mold poisoning from his eccentric apartment. I was very, very sick, so I understand your illness. Take care, rest up and bring us some goodies--LOL.

  66. Mel-
    So VERY glad to hear that things are looking up for you. There is lots of love out here in cyberspace for you!! I had just discovered your site a bit before your move and illness and found myself thinking of you time and time again. Get those healthies back. We love you!!

  67. HEY Mel, good to hear the move went so well and that you are in a healthier place. Can't wait for the time you are well enough to start blogging again as I missed you terribly.

    Continue to get well and come back to us.

    xx Tonniece xxx

  68. Hi Mel, So glad to hear from you. I was wondering how your move was going. Hope you are feeling much better soon! It does take a while to get bad stuff out of your system. Thanks for the clorox info... I always thought that killed mold. Guess it just bleaches it. We'll be looking forward to your projects after you get settled in.


  69. Welcome back! I am so excited to hear of your new home, but not envious of all the work it entailed! Take care of yourself girlie!

  70. Glad you are out and about and not in a musty basement....
    We recently had a room re-done and it had mold in the walls, boy was that a mess.... the clean-up was crazy, but its all gone now.

    Cant wait until you get unpacked and stamping again...Love your stuff!!!

  71. OHH Its soo wonderful to hear from you again! (((HUGS)) love you know we are always here and miss you just as you miss us. Just make sure you take care of yourself I send yo the BIIIIIIIGGEST HUGS!



♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel