Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Before Shot of World's Schloppiest Stamp Room


This is my happy lil "Studio" hahaha.

Are you a have-everything-in-it's-place crafter?
are you a huricane-pile-it-up-anywhere crafter?

Guess which one I am... ;o)

I know this is not the snap shot that those of you who were curious to see my Stamp Room may have been expecting, but this is the real moi: THE messiest stamper in the known Universe. hehehe. My friend Kimmy witnessed this in person (the ultimate mortification since she's a total neat freak super woman heehee.) She was astounded (and she already knows that I'm a slob! LOL.)

It is actually much much much worse than it looks in this photo (oh the shame, ynuk ynuk.) Kimmy says I deserve an award. I just can't help it stuff just FLIES right & left when I stamp. :O)

I am hoping to save myself from this headache today though... ;O) Libby's beautiful organization tips have inspired me to try & dig my way outta my schloppy mess. With any luck, I'll feel up to diggin' out & you'll see an after photo soon (and I may see the floor again!)

If you don't hear from me, it means I sucumbed to an avalanche of sctuff raining on my head; send search & rescue parties... ;o) muhaha.


  1. Oh but out of that chaos comes such wonders! ~chris

  2. I love that you blogged a picture of it. It was a tornado that landed there. It had nothing to do with you. haha. It blew my mind and I loved it. It cracked me up! That mess shows the slave labour of your beautiful creations you share with us and make with me. :o) I'll have to blog the little ol box we (you) made yesterday.

    Happy digging!

  3. A-HA!!! I knew something was up in Blogland - I just had a couple new subscribers and new comments on my Stamp Cave post! LOL! Thanks for linking me up sweetie - and best of luck with your room. And you can't be the messiest stamper in the known universe because I already own that title! LOL! But I am happy to report, my closet is still neat, a couple weeks after cleaning! YAY! Your office looks really beautiful, actually - lucky you to get to stamp right next to that gorgeous window. Can't wait to see your "after" photos!! :-)

  4. I love it. There are two of us in this world. No, actually I am very organized as I starve for tables to work on and things to work with, but if I had all the toys you have, I wouldn't care! Have fun and keep the goodies coming, no matter if you make them in the bathtub!

  5. Mel...a woman after my own heart! We are KINDRED SPIRITS!! Yes!!

  6. That is the sign of a creative mind. When my daughter(neat freak..nothing on kitchen counters all under and out of sight) makes a coment about my room(much worse as it is much larger) I tell her it is a work room not a SHOWCASE!! Ehjoy your stamping and creativity.

  7. Oh Mel, I'm a hurricaine crafter too!

  8. Mel, you're awesome!
    Just last night I thought I should take a pic & post it (my area was a complete disaster) but chickened out. I guess I shouldn't have worried - you have me beat! :D

  9. Thanks for the laugh--it may be a little choatic--but I can so relate! Now if I just had some room to put everything--that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!

  10. Artists should not have to stop creating just to clean, that's what MAIDS are for. lol
    The room looks fine to me.

  11. Nice to know I am not alone in my creative chaos!

  12. Doesn't everyone's craft room look like that?!?!? I wouldn't expect you to be so creative if everything was neat!

  13. Mine looks almost the same and I have been trying to organize it for the last 2 months - not doing a good job though!!

  14. Hi Mel,

    I'm shocked, absolutely shocked young lady...(oops I started channeling my mother there for a moment :D - No really - I'm shocked you didn't use the I just moved defense. Since I've been using it successfully (in my own head at least) for the last three years or is that 4 years (how soon we forget traumatic experiences) I would think you are still eligible for that particular gem. After all it's only been how many days.......(don't even ask me to do the math of 4x365 for myself).

    Besides mine is so much worse! And I don't have any of the wonderful, fabulous product emerging in a glorious stream to testify to work at least getting done amid the chaos that weekly and daily crosses my inbox from you!

    Ah well. Genius is a messy job but someone has to do it...right!

    Thanks for sharing the inner sanctum. It's fun to picture you in your cubby/den amid all your toys.

    Hugs and blessings - Jean

  15. Oh you are so funny! Yep, I'm a messy stamper too. Did you ever return to your stamp room and actually scare yourself cause it was so bad? Ha! Love your work and you are so generous to share so much with us!

  16. HAHA, this is awesome!! FYI, I'm a hurricane! Every once in a while, I put things all away and then the next card I make... it's all over again. Then I wonder why I wasted time putting things away when I could have made a card instead!?!!? As I like to say, "the only place that housework comes before stamping is in the dictionary." And...."Better creative clutter than idle neatness"
    So a lovely day... Hoping that some spring sunshine will help you health and do your best to ignore those piles. :-)
    Beth Greco

  17. I am a hurricane hit kind of a crafter gal too Mel! LOL! Its great too i know where everything is! My DH just shakes his head when he walks in to my office lol!

  18. Thanks for sharing! I too craft in a hurricane/tornado/earthquake!! Its also quite possible that I'm substantially worse!!! :> As a little evidence...I often cannot find my ATG!! Its big and red!!?!! lol Have to check out your link to those organizational tips to see if I can gleam any wisdom! :>

  19. That's ok .. the wonders that come out of that mess are fabulous .. I do the same thing maybe not to such a large degree but only cause I have a smaller room!!

  20. I hope your organization and cleaning goes better than me. I did clean my stamp room but you wouldn't know it. I just like to have things easy to get to.

  21. Come on Mel; you're going to have to do a lot better (?? worse ??) than this if you want to seize my "World's Messiest Crafter" title. May I suggest you start by heaping boxes and piles of paper on the floor?? As the old saying goes: Great artists don't do things in order!!

    Thanks Mel!

    Marion, UK

  22. Apologies Mel, I see you DO have some boxes on the floor!


  23. Hi Mel,
    Good luck with your stampin room. You are so lucky to have a room....I just have a tiny little space that always seems to be on the messy side. When those creative juices start flowing...look out because the crafting supplies start flying.
    Have a great day.

  24. C'monnnnnnnn! Give your self a break girl girl! You are NOT well and on top of that you JUST moved in! :o) lol

  25. we should have a contest for the messiest craft room ,cause I'd be right up there along with you. When I work I tend to brush my scraps on the floor - glitter from the table, on the floor, the little backing pieces from the stampin dimensionals - on the floor, I spent 1/2 hour looking for my pastels cause they had fallen behind some other things. THanks for being honest, sharing and making me feel like I am not the only craft slob out there - it's what we make that matters, not how we make it. :)

  26. slooppy or not, its the genius who rules the chaos LOL....
    hey this looks a lot like my room :)

  27. Like Mudmaven and the other poster said about what comes out of the room. TFS.

  28. Hey Mel! LOL! I actually pictured you having a sloppy room. . .not because you're a sloppy person but I found that crafters with the sloppiest rooms are the most creative. Who has time to have a tidy room when you're busy crafting!! I love your room!

    I always wonder about those crafters who post their pretty rooms and wonder if they actually spend time crafting or are too busy organizing and putting things away! LOL!

    I actually cleaned up my craft room last year and it's much more tidy now but I found I craft less now because I don't want to mess it up again! LOL!!

    Keep your room the way it is. . .just keep creating all the lovely stuff you create each day!!!


  29. My room looks the same way when I create something! You are not along, Mel!
    Hope your headache will go away very soon!

  30. My stamping area doesn't look anywhere near as good as yours does!



♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel