Saturday, September 26, 2009

The last Caardvarks Sketchfest Sketch!

Caardvarks Studio Calico Sketchfest SATurday (melstampz)

Today's the last day to play in the Caardvarks Sketchfest. Hard to believe it's over already. There have been amazing entries! 'Varks readers are THE bestest!

Here's SATurday's sketch:

and here's my take on it:
caardvarks Studio Calico SATURday melstampz


All of the supplies for this came in the Studio Calico kit "Director's Cut"

Stitching: The red & brown stitching is real, but the black stitching is fake fake fake (I still can't get over Sakura glaze pens. They are so glossy & raised.) It's crazy man! ;o) I used it to write "IN" on the flag too.

MakingMemories masking tape: (the strip with the funky map pattern) This stuff is great as is, but it takes Copics wonderfully so you can custome colour it. For better blending colour on really quickly & smoosh it a bit with your finger or somethin. You can see the original colours of the tape on the roll in the pic up there. Cool stuff. Heidi made amazing flowers with it & she tells you how here.

Do You miss clicking to see a BIG photo?
Click these wee baby ones: magic, huh?

COOL viewing trick: Did you know that there's a neat trick to resize your view on your monitor? (At least with Mozilla Firefox as a browser there is)... You just hold down control on your keyboard & scroll with your mouse scrolly thinger (assuming it has one.) Scroll up or down to make the window larger or smaller. Handy if you're losing your eyesight a tad like moi, or if you are prone to headaches.

Thanks so much for visiting;
hope you can play!


  1. Beautiful Mel, you have one of the funnest blogs on the planet, It's been a while since I've visited so I need to check out the eyecandy! BTW i snagged the label box template, thank you!

  2. Hey you! I just spent the morning on your blog. You are the MOST generous blogger! You teach and teach like the energizer bunny...and for free. I am so impressed with your generosity. Why not enter the Paper Pal Arts Challenge this week, which is gratitude and thanks and say "samara says I should enter me!!!" xox

  3. oh, forgot to say who i am! lol samara is... hee hee


♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel