Saturday, April 2, 2011

1 minute rainbow doily (using DIY shimmer mists)

This doily was a little old, a little frayed and a lot
in need of some oomph,
so in less than a minute it became this:

doily sprayed with DIY glimmer mists mel stampz

A lot more colourful!

I used these
homemade shimmer sprays:

More yadda yadda about how these were made, here.

The colours blended together so nicely:

doily sprayed with DIY glimmer mists mel stampz CLOSE

(You wouldn't believe how quick it was to make it)

And if you spray over some paper,
you get nifty leavings:

IMPRESSION left by doily sprayed with DIY glimmer mists mel stampz

Though next time I think I'd try to use thinner paper to spray it on,
since I'm trying this fun technique out...


...and the watercolour paper I used was a little too thick
to lay perfectly under the embossed bit.

Oh and I'm bursting at the seams with happy!

No more trying to grow potatoes in pots!

Today is a big day for us: we're going to go pick out our community veggie garden plot! It's been 2 years or so on the waiting list, so though Charles can't kneel, dig, or otherwise partake in getting dirty, we are SO looking forward to growing our own veg. together for the first time!!! He can have fun passing me plants 'n' seeds and bossing me around, right? heeheehee Our dear friends have a plot there as well, so we'll get to shoot the breeze about veggies. And I'll get some much needed exercise!

Hope your weekend is shaping up to be a fabulous one,


  1. beautiful, great ideas. and enjoy that garden! my husband loves his. and his help will be terrific.

  2. WOW- I love this idea! I have a couple of tatted doilies that are sitting in a drawer...... Enjoy gardening- my husband would LOVE that!!!

  3. oh, leave it to you spray a doily!! how pretty!! and great paper too!!

    tickled for you about the garden plot!! woohoo!!! YUM!!!!

  4. Fabulous idea! The doily is gorgeous!

  5. Well, of *course* the doily is fabulous! But, you naughty tease, what's with the embossed & cut out paper?!?! Curious minds are dying to know! *lol*

  6. What cheerful colours you have used on that beautiful doily. Love the leavings. Have fun in your vegi garden...

  7. what a lovely remaking of the doily!
    How wonderful about your veggie patch, I would love to see some photos of what you get up there!
    Have a great weekend,

  8. What a wonderful idea, thankyou for sharing this.

  9. I'm jumping up and down with this tutorial. You da bomb.

    Congratulations on getting your plot. It is fun to grow a garden.

  10. Mel
    Your work is totally stunning - have followed you for ages and always amazed by what you do.
    Just popped by to say I have awarded you an award.
    Thanks for the inspiration you give us all.
    Ann xxx

  11. Beautiful!! Thank you for the comments on my blog!!! I'm a huge fan of your work!!! ;-))

  12. Your doily is smashing, love the background you left behind. Two for the price of one...can't beat that!

    Enjoy your community garden. My hubby and I have a very small garden...lots of tomatoes. I would love to have about 4 raised vegetable beads, but haven't been able to convience him we can make them happen. Help keep the weeds know the benefits! I think BIG whe it comes to a veggie garden. I might even be prone to can if we had a bigger garden. Oh, the thought of fresh veggies in the winter months...YUM!

  13. I am so glad to re-find your blog (don't ask - computer collapses, health collapses etc)and find you are doing MORE than you were a year ago. Sorry to hear your migraines are still a problem. We have a lovely 90 year old lady teaches tatting at our local volunteer taught craft group. Love the rainbow spray - almost too lovely to use, would look great in a baby's room framed!

  14. How clever of you to think to cut out sections from your embossed paper! brilliant! :)

  15. i love your blog, great ideas. i have some doilies from DHs grandmother, not my style but..... some glimmer and oh yeah i can see possibilites.

  16. Great idea! I picked up some old doilies from my Mom's house a few months back and I haven't known what to do with them. I may try this!!

  17. It is so beautiful this rainbow... Love this spring colors..

  18. Yaaaaaay for doilis!!!
    I've got a bunch of them, and now I'm gonna paint those suckers...
    I hope they will be preatty as yours! :D

  19. How fab! Love your updated doily. The colors look wonderful.


♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel