Saturday, June 14, 2008

Things that make You go DrooooooL!!! (warning: I'm even goofier sans coffee)

What I'm workin' on for Beate's Inspiration Challenge

Thought I'd share some things that have me salivating (in an artistic way):

Drool-worthy Storage:

Mimi's brilliant handmade Clip-it-Up (you won't believe how ingenious it is!)

Tonya's heavenly table [I need one, but Charles (bless his heart) has a hard time tying a garbage bag--no really. That's not supposed ta be mean, I swear! He classifies as a genius with his IQ test scores (truly...but oh I am in trouble now!) So....I'm the handy tool person in our pair --and I couldn't build a wooden block, heehee. Maybe I could make a table with paper scraps & crystal effects, muhaha!]

Luscious Creations:

Maria's gorgeous glitter card I'm dying to try this with a glue pen & loose glitter! :0)

Lisa's glitter masking (or "burnished velvet look" technique) TOO cool! I'm going to try this with my heavy duty carpet tape later...

Irene's (aka scrapperlicious) handmade acetate embellishments. Droooool! ....

.....found Irene's blog thanks to Julie who made the next thing that's blowing my mind: this stunning tree

The playful (beautiful!) scrapbooking style of Regiane

Well, I'm off to clean up and maybe get artsy fartsy, thanks to all of this gorgeous inspiration! If C wasn't watching uefa euro 2008 (football aka soccer, but not in this house, heehee) I'd bug him to go to the thrift store with me for a lamp to make Mimi's clip it up.

Oh and this is really drool worthy: YUM
[I think I'll make 'em as a soccer (I mean football) breakfast snack for C, so he'll forgive me for publicizing his IQ and his inability to tie garbage bags (He subscribes to the ol' blog. Funnily enough, he'll be more miffed about the genius thing (he's overly modest)] :0)


  1. our men would definitely get along. We are watching football too!!
    who is his favourite UK team again?
    miss ya love ya

  2. Well Amazing Mel, another great journey. Thanks for the ride

  3. Love the linkshere Mel. Glad you like my tree as I had fun doing it.

  4. Hey Mel! Thanks for the link! You are too sweet! Can't wait to see what you come up next. Do you draw the flowers yourself? If you do . . .forget stamping, huh!


  5. I love your blog so much. You are so inspirational. Thank you for all the links you give us daily. I too fell in love with Regiana's style and subscribed. Keep up the fabulous work!


♥ Thank You so much sharing your thoughts. It means the world! ♥ Mel