(A peek at tomorrow's tutorial project--with one of the stamps from this blog candy)
Well friends, today is the ol' blogiversary
(funny since tomorrow is my anniversary anniversary!)
This post marks the 709th blog post in exactly 3 years.
Hard to believe it's been that many & crazy how the posts have changed
(from single paragraphs to lengthy blatherings, teehee.)
(funny since tomorrow is my anniversary anniversary!)
This post marks the 709th blog post in exactly 3 years.
Hard to believe it's been that many & crazy how the posts have changed
(from single paragraphs to lengthy blatherings, teehee.)
Here are the cards from my first blog post...
(back when my Mom & my Aunt Maggie were the
only ones who commented--Bless their souls!) :-D
(back when my Mom & my Aunt Maggie were the
only ones who commented--Bless their souls!) :-D

To celebrate,
sweet Cathy ( of Paper Garden Projects fame)
has offered up some yummy blog candy!
Thank You Cathy!!!!

Just leave your name to win the goods!
& PRETTY PLEASE leave your email
so we can email for your address & Cathy can send it to you!
"you at email dot com" will help prevent spam
The Candy has these Goodies:
& PRETTY PLEASE leave your email
so we can email for your address & Cathy can send it to you!
"you at email dot com" will help prevent spam
The Candy has these Goodies:
The Winter Wonderland Cling set (by my #1 long time fave Holly of Eat Cake Graphics)
And Snow Day Pals cling stamp (new & SO cute--Dogone it!)
Frosty fun Prism Cardstock Collection
& ribbon and yummy embellishment bits too! It'll be open until December 10th--Hope You win!
...and last but never least, Thank You all so much for visiting me! You make blogging the fabulous fun that it is & I'm so grateful and delighted to know you all!

And Snow Day Pals cling stamp (new & SO cute--Dogone it!)
Frosty fun Prism Cardstock Collection
& ribbon and yummy embellishment bits too! It'll be open until December 10th--Hope You win!
...and last but never least, Thank You all so much for visiting me! You make blogging the fabulous fun that it is & I'm so grateful and delighted to know you all!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»YAYY congrats on 3 great years!
jjschop at npgcable dot com
Congrats on three years!! I love reading your blog!
anniecooper1313 at yahoo dot com
wow 3 years and all those posts well done! I have been following your blog for a while and want to thank you for all the ideas you share in the true spirit of craftiness. All the best for the next 709 posts!
furrypig at yahoo dot co dot uk
Happy Anniversary and Happy Blogaversary too! Thanks for the offering of the candy! I come by often to see what new projects you are up to, but I've only been doing this about a year myself. You can find me at my blog Here or my email: terriavidreader@yahoo.com
I love-y that stamp set so much! I can't believe it is only 709 posts...except they were really long posts so I think you should triple the number to make it a more accurate representation! (Those first creations are not at all "Mel-like"...)
Truly, you must be a mind reader! Just this morning I was thinking about how you used to use these Eat Cake stamps...they are the cutest thing I've ever seen! I can't wait to see the tutorial. :)
Congrats on your blogversary - your early cards give me hope!!! tee hee... here's to the next 3 years!
crossing my fingers...Chris
george dot franco AT cox dot net
3 years!! wow!!! I'm on my 4th or 5th month.
Good luck everyone with winning the Candy.
My email is
cheryl.tooth at gmail dot com
I have to say, your 1st cards are very nice!
Congrats Mel! I love your blog and how I can come back to see all the tutorials. Keep them coming. Thanks for the chance to win some candy - just in time for christmas
rarinstamp at shaw dot ca
Congrats on three amazing years. Your blog is really a highlight of my day - is that pathetic or flattering? :-)
perkynihilist at gmail dot com
Congrats on 3 years! Your latest project is gorgeous and I can't wait to see it all!
Congratulations on you 3-year blogversary and your anniversary! I can't tell you how excited I would be to win this fabulous blog candy. I have loved these stamps for sooooooo long!!!
Happy Blogaversary to YOU! How exciting! Thank you so much for all of the wonderful ideas, tips, and fabulous tutorials that you've shared through the years.
michellevocke at aol dotcom
Wow! Congrats! and Happy 3 year blogoversary :)
What a wonderful accomplishment!!!
Thanks for sharing everything with us :*)
~ margie
MeScrap at Rocketmail dot com
you've come a looong way baby! hehe
congrats kiddo...thatsallota posts! whew! super hugs from Ohio
righttrack at windstream dot net
(like you didn't know that teehee)
oh yeah...and Happy Wedding Anniversary too!!! C's a lucky guy
Wow Mel -
3 years! You've been a busy little thing. But I love your posts, you always make me laugh, even when you are not feeling well. So thank you for 3 years of fabulous tutorials and smiles. I also want to wish you congratulations and continued happiness on your other anniversary.
v e allen 6 at optonline dot net
Elaine Allen
I love your posts. Thank you for sharing. Hugs Ketena
tnkerickson@yahoo dot com
Congrats on your 3 years and still doing an absolutely phenomenal job, thanks for the chance at this amazing candy.
Mel, Happy Blogoversary and Happy Anniversary. You do such a great job. I love the inspiration and tutorials.
What a great candy, thanks for a chance.
Congratulations!! wow! 3 years of sharing crafty love with all of us...awesome.
Thanks for the wonderful Tutorials you share...your blog is a craft idea gold mine...
piali.biswas at yahoo dot com
Congratulations on your anniversary. Your blog is awesome.
OH! Congrats, Mel. Isn't it fun to look back and see how you have increased your knowledge and ability! Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Here's to many more years of posting. Love your creative ideas.
Wow! You started out great and just got better!
suzikay at pacbell dot com
Congrats to you - You've brought us 3 years of wonderful creations and much inspiration. LOVE your blog!!
Elaine Moore mtn.moven.faith@comcast.net
Congrats on your 3 years! I've been enjoying your blog for a year now and love your projects!
Congrats on 3 years! You are such an artist. I am always inspired by your projects. Thanks, JamieS at schnirchj at gmail dot com
Congratulations on 3 great year! You need to pat yourself on the back for "puttin out" all the great things you have in that time! I think of all the blogs I follow, yours is by far the most active and informative! Thanks and cheers to you!
Congratulations - 3 years wow - can't believe those were your first cards - think your Auntie did them. I love what you do on your blog and have been a follower for some time - you are totally inspiring. Thank you for all you share.
Ann xxx
ann cutts at hotmail dot com
Congrats on your blogversary and your anniversay!Thanx for all the inspiring artwork you've posted.
saskia.b_ at hotmail dot com
Hooray for 3 years of blogging!!
jlaszlo4 at gmail dot com
Wow! 3 years of phenomenal stuff! Thanks so much for taking the time to post on my blog!! =) Huggers! From your #1 fan! Seriously! =)
tiff.web at gmail dot com
congrats on your anniversary and 3 year blogaversary....I love following you.....thanks for giving the chance to win that fab candy!
jomaburg at hetnet dot nl
xxx Margreet
Wow, three years! What an accomplishment. Congratulations and keep doing a great job!
Oops! forgot to add my email!
Congratulations Mel!! I love all your posts - the lengthy and short ones!! I have learned a lot from your blog and I wanted to thank you. Thanks also for a chance at the blog candy - I never have enough paper!!
Carmen L
Congrats on your 3 years ,Im so glad I found your blog I have learned alot from you,Also have a great Annivesary .Thanks for the chance to win .Hugs Sarah
Congratulations! (today and tomorrow. Ü)
Wow! 3 years and so many changes.. you just got one comment at that time!
Congratulations and many more!
my email.
magdacortez at hotmail dot com
I forgot to give you my email makeacard@yahoo.om and here is my blog-http://sarahscrazycreations.blogspot.com Hugs Sarah K
Congratulations on reaching the 3 year mark! You always manage to come up with some new and creative way of using paper, stamps and ink/paint! Thanks for all you share with us.
Congrats! I have only started following your blog in the last few months but it is definately one of my fav's. Thank you for all the tips, tricks and inspiration.
You can see my blog HERE
You can email me at shestampsblog@yahoo.com
Congrats on three years. Always a pleasure to visit your blog. Hope lots of posts will follow. And happy anniversary for tomorrow!
jalindemans at gmail dot com
Congratulations, and now you are so well known.
I couldn't work out what you meant, thought it was a web site and have been searching for it "doh", now I see!
I would love to enter. cazzooblue at moonrakers dot plus dot com
Cazzy x
congratulations on 3 years of inspiring others with your creations. I always look forward to your posts in Google reader!
les_williams at yahoo dot com
Congratulations on your blogversary, Frances.
frodz1 at yahoo dot com
Happy Blogversary and Anniversary (tomorrow)!! My birthday is tomorrow as well. Your blog posts have always been filled with inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing.
crickett4 at gmail dot com
congrats on your third year anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for being such an inspiration and helping us achieve great looking cards with your templates and ideas.
Congratulations! 3 years and a LOT of posts, wow! Hope to read more of you in the next years to come :))
rekl_amw at yahoo dot com
DO NOT PICK MY NAME! I just wanted to say congrats on your latest milestone, and that I approve of your spelling of the momentous occasion. I spell Blogiversary with an 'i', tool, like Anniversary (as opposed to Blogoversary). ;-)
Happy Anniversary and Happy Blogoversary at the same time - WOW - 2 big events almost at the same time!!!! Your Blog is an inspiration to us all!!!! Whenever I have a Cuttlebug question I always head to you! Three years and still going and growing! Keep up the good work - Oh and I really do like your Blog Candy - that would be such a BONUS!!!! gramtrannydoc@gmail.com
Im glad your here I just found you and already cant wait to see what else you come up with ..Your great ..
thanks Diana
wow, 3 years.. congrats!!!
I love seeing your creations
deb_herfkens at sympatico.ca
WOW Mel!!! My congratulations on !3! years! Thanks for your great work, that help me so much to create))) Wish you all the best!
romanovaja at rambler dot ru
Congrats and thank you for the yrs of fabulous inspiration! It's always a treat to visit your blog! :)
freida38801 at yahoo dot com
Congratulations - yours is one of my very favorite blogs!!! You make me look at my supplies in new ways, and you are forever enshrined in my memory for the AMAZING cereal box DIY Cuttlebug embossing plates!! LOVE THAT! Looking forward to another three years with you!
If I am lucky enough to win, you can click through to my blog and use the Email link at the top of my right sidebar!!
Wow, three years already! Congrats!
drdewilde at het net dot nl
Congrats on 3 years and many posts!
debblr at nycap dot rr dot com
Hi Mel,
congratulation ....I love your blog and thank you for so much inspiration...;)
Congrats for both your anniversaries!
I enjoy following your blog and you inspire me to keep trying new things.
Cyw85 @ infoblvd.net
happy blogaversary! I'm a newcomer to your blog but love it already!! :)
jessicapranaitis at gmail dot com
Happy double anniversary!!!
lisawhs808 at aol dot com
Congratulations on three wonderful years Mel, I just love coming back and reading your blog and rereading all your wonderful ideas.
Happy Blogversary and Anniversary! Thanks for sharing a wealth of infomation as well as inspiring us with your creative ideas.
Congrats 3 years! The time is passing so quickly ...but Your works are more and more good :)
Thanks Mel for the chance to win!
I enjoy your blog so much, and
I thank you for sharing your
creative crafting style with us.
Congratulations on 3 years, yours
is the BEST! :D
WOW! Already, have a happy celebration, with your hubby and us,lurking....Gina F
Congrats on the blogversary! I look forward to seeing more, however you can have tomorrow off since its your real anniversary! ;)
melissa.banian at gmail dot com
Been following your blog for a while now. You always provide such great inspiration to the new stamper/card maker, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Congratulations and best wishes for continued success with your blog and in your love life.
Mary Lou
marrelou at yahoo dot com
Ah, sweet Mel! Congrats on your anniversary (and blogaversary). Here's to many, many more years (of both)!
Mel, Congratulations !!! You do wonderful work, the ideas you have in your head are amazing. It will be nice if I win the candy.
Rene from OZ xo
congratulations! I love coming to your blog. booksandlove at yahoo dot com.
Yay! congrats. I consider myself lucky to have found your site. So much great info and fun to learn. And...we get to win candy! lucky us!
Congratulations! I'm so happy that you blog. Your creativeness is such a joy to behold! Hugs! Sue
thelangerfamily at sbcglobal dot net
Congrats to 3 years....love your blog.
lane_pamela at hotmail dot com
Conratulations on 3 years...I absolutely love what you've done with this stamp and can't wait to see your technique!!
sensationallychic at gmail dot com
Congratulations on 3 fabulous years!
shelleyr at telus dot net
How wonderful you have been blogging 3 yrs. It has been a delight to me to study your blog.
Thank you for all the wonderful ideas.
debbie peysen
3 years! Congrats! I still have a long way to go!
Monique.verbeek at gmail dot com
congrats to you!! I always come by to get inspiration. Thanks so much!
shellsq1 @ gmail dot com
Congratulations Mel !!!! Thanks sooo much for your blog is definitely one of my favorites there's always so much inspiration and your tutorials are awesome. Gracias !! laura dot tamayo at gmail dot com
WOW Congrats on 3 wonderful years. You have came along way and have such amazing talent.
mghowell8 at msn dot com
Congrats on three years! That's awesome.
kmg3366 at gmail dot com
Hi Mel,
Congratulations on your 3 years! I have been subscribing to your feeds for about two of these years, and am amazed at how far you have come. Your style is unique, and you are not restricted by anything. I love the freedom you express in every little detail of your works of art. Thankyou so much for sharing so much of your creativity, and what you find along the way, with others.
Congratulations for your anniversary...
bastelschwester at yahoo dot de
Congrats on 3 years. You sure have a few more followers now. Adorable card.
Congrats on your 3 years!! I love your blog because it is so detailed, informative, and easy to understand. Thanks for the chance to win.
Susan H.
Didn't I tell you that YOU ARE SPECIAL and important to a great many people. I feel that all of these wonderful comments are proof.
Congratulations on 3 years. I hope that there are at least 12 more ahead. Hugs,
M is for the many posts she's written
E if for the envy of our eyes
L is for she's lovely to follow
S for someone she will surprise
T for three years at blogging
A for amazing artist too
M for magnificent
P for plans you're making and
Z for Zany, zig zag smiles
Congratulations on 3 years.
mklaporte at hotmail dot com
I love this card. Cant' wait to see the tutorial...You have been a huge inspiration for me in the last couple of weeks since I found your blog.
CONGRATULATIONS- 3 years wow and so many posts-love that cute little card with those two on the sled- did you seriously sew all those beads around the edge you amaze me this set looks so cute. again congrats on your blog and thanks for the chance to win this fantastic candy- hope its me.
I love your blog and congrats on both your anniversary's.
Sandra B
Congratulations on three years of blogging.....I love the creations on your blog and also the tutorials you share. Thanks.
merrymade at ozemail dot com dot au
WOW & YAAAHHHH!! 3 years and 700ish posts!!!! AMAZING. All I can say is you're so wonderful for sharing such awesome ideas and techniques with us!!! Here's hoping that you're feeling wonderful soon and congratulations on both anniversaries!!
Beth Greco
Oh Mel! However did you make this sweet snowy creation?
HappyAnniversaries! thanks for the inspiration! bluemoonbyniteatyahoodotcom
Congratulations on the three years of your blog. I really enjoy visiting here; lots of fun information to find.
Congradulations on your 3 years!
I love your work and your a inspiration too me! You really bless alot of people.
Congrats on three years!! Love your work!
I've enjoyed your blog.
Happy 3 years.
sandileejames at gmail dot com
HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY MEL!!! I wish I had foudn you three years ago, not just a couple of monthys, but as they say, better late than never. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog. I am constantly amazed and inspired by it.
Wow, in just 3 years??? Way to go! c.w at xplornet dot com
Congratulations on your 3 years!!
Also Happy Anniversary! Just found you a few months ago, Love your Blog! Thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations! You have grown SOOOO much and never cease to amaze me! tiffguamatgmaildotcom
CONGRAS!!!! I subscribe for the longest time and am always amazes at your talent!!!! josie-josiej@myway.com
You have so inspired me! Thank you for all your tutorials and lovely posts!
karendellovo at comcast dot net
Congrats on you Blogversary!
Congrats for both anniversaries! I so enjoy your blog visits. You have created a warm and friendly site easily accessible and so helpful.Thanks you and hugs from Michigan.
cndomino at yahoo.com
Wow! One year of wonderful posts and projects. Keep up the good work!
kajunbeth64 at yahoo dot com
Hi Mel
Congrats for your third blogoversary. Thanks for giving us a chance to win this yummy blog candy.
ou are a sweetheart! Love today's card and sending you congrats for blogging so consistently for 3 years....I am soooo not good at doing this regularly! YOU are! :)
WOW!! 3 years - Congrats. I look at your first sets of cards and what I do and think "I can do it too....." I just started my blog last month so have a lot of time to go, but practice makes perfect - or so they say.
THANKS for all your great blogs and projects.
and thanks for the opportunity to win this great "eye candy" :-)
Congrats on 3 years of sharing your fabulous creativity and nurturing others along the way!
hunter dot t at sbcglobal dot net
Happy Anniversary and 3yrs on your blog!
conniemelancon at cox dot net
Congrats! You've helped so many of us over the months and years! Thanks for the inspiration. Don't know how you do it, but I'm glad you keep on sharing your work with us. :) Thanks for all you do.
Happy anniversay, happy anniversary, happy anniversary....
happppyyyyyy annnnniversaryyyyyyy!!!
A devoted fan.
missyterry2000 at yahoo dot ca
Hi Mel
congrats on your blogversary! hope there are many more. I love looking through your wonderful creations!!!
Karyn S
Congratulations on 3 excellent years!
debbie dot warwick at comcast dot net
Congrats Mel on your 3 years. Thanks for sharing.
Khunter47 at cox dot net
Congratulations on 3 years! You share so much. thank you
ctpolishprincess AT sbcglobal dot net
Wow, congratulations on 3 years! You have a great blog and thanks so much for sharing all your tips and templates.
Hey Congratulations on blogging for 3 years!So fun to see how your art has evolved!What talent; your creations are fabulous! It's always so much fun to read and I have learned so many cool techniques! Thank you!! maryvernau@yahoo dot com
congrads mel..on BOTH anniversaries!
congrats on 3 wonderful years!
You are amazingly gifted and thank you so much for sharing with us all out here! Here's to 3+ more years,
Marilyn in Texas
geneva1599 at juno dot com
P.S. Hope to win all the goodies :o)
Congrats on 3 years, Mel! Always look forward to your posts, and can't wait to see tomorrow's!
cindy.royal @ gmail.com
Congratulations. You've gone above and beyond expectations
Joyce --Joyaluk@yahoo.com
this is awesome! thanks for the chance at your candy.
Pam Going Postal
Congratulations on your 3 years anniversary! Thanks for all you are sharing with us! I'm not leaving comment really often but I'm visiting you every post you make. THanks again! :)
Three great years of posts! Thanks for taking the time to share all of your wonderful projects and tutorials, especially when I know you don't always feel up to it.
Holy cow! That's a lot of posts!!! Congrats on your anniversary!
3 years! cheers to a inspirational blog !don't they say good things come in 3's ? lol , great job & keep up the great work.good luck to all.thanks for the chance for some yummie looking blog candy !
crazy_cancer2005 at yahoo dot com dot nz
Congratulations on 3 years! What a remwndous accomplsihment and how far you have come! I love your work. Thanks for the chance to win! drinckel@yahoo.com
Happy blogoversary, you are so inspirational, & a great resource :) Thank you for sharing your creativity.
Congrats on your creative 3 years. You have such a wonderful and interesting blog. Good Luck to many more years...
Congratulations on 3 years,
WOW, Hope I can keep up for 3 years!
and Happy Anniversary!
at nei2rock at aol dot com
Enjoy your blog. Happy Blogaversary!
Congrats on your 3 years. We've all come so far in that time.
bcjacks at gmail dot com
Wow can you believe how far your crafting has become? Not just the amount of people visting your blog, but how much you have improved on your skills.
Congrats Mel!
Congrats on a great 3 years! Look at how your crafting has evolved! Way to go! Here's to many more years..
thanks for the chance to win
I would love to win this. Thanks for the opportunity.
Congratulations on 3 years of blogging! Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy. Those stamps are adorable!
moosisk at hotmail dot com
Congrats on three years! I love reading your blog: it's always such a source of inspiration.
Congratulations, Mel! I have enjoyed your fabulous creations and have learned so much from you. Although you sometimes think you're "rambling", I never tire of your clear, easy-to-follow tutorials. Thank you for all you do and sacrifice...for ME!
Teri "Terrific"
cookiefootmama at yahoo dot com
Congrats on your Blogversary! I really enjoy your blog!
hkimmerly at shaw dot ca
Congrats Mel! I love your blog!
I love your blog! Thank!
Svetlana domicol@yandex.ru
I am such a happy subscriber. Thanks for all that I have learned these past years. Congrats on all your achievements and happy blogversary!
Great blog great ideas Happy Bloganiversary!
dimples4599 dotyahoo.com
WOOHOO for you! Wow! Three years. You go girl! I hope you have many, many more years of happiness, craftiness, & blogging!
Snoopy (stampinsnoopy@gmail.com)
Congrats, Mel. Wow your artwork has certainly grown in detail. I love coming to your blog for inspiration.
Diane M
aka detour3
detour3 at msn dot com
Congrats on the 3 yr Anniversary! Wow, have you ever come a long way girlfriend. Nice of Cathy to give some candy!
Congrats! Love your tutorials;-))m
Congrats to both of your anniversaries!!
scraphappy4067 at gmail dot com
A very huge CONGRATS, Mel!!!
Hope you've many more anniversaries
Crossing my fingers...
congratulations to u Mel! I subscribe to your blog so never get around to acrually coming here and commenting. Better make it a resolution to. Love all your projects. Please continue to create :)
magicwithananya at yahoo dot com
congrats on 3 years!!! wishing you many more :-)
mira dot davis at gmail dot com
wow! happy blogversary! kiss from italy! Gloria
glo_glo at libero dot it
Hi again Mel!
I am sending you 2 tons of congrats: 1st one for your blogversary! wow... I`ve been reading your blog for about 2 yrs now, I think... and hope it will run for the next 55 yrs, or longer *gg* This blog gives me most of the inspiration and help I find anywhere on the web!
The 2nd ton of congrats is for your anniversary-anniversary *gg* : Wishing you very happy further 155 yrs! And I wish you a wonderful day today! Enjoy it
Hugs from Germany
(as I am toooooo far away, I won't leave my e-mail thinking of delivery costs *ggg* Just wanted to leave my congrats here)
Happy Blogversary to YOU! Thanks so much for sharing your creative and inspiring MOJO with us in blogland. Thanks for a chance at this sweet celebration candy.
stampincmeyers at yahoo dot com
Congrats on your 3 years. Enjoy getting my daily updates on your blog.
ybalmer at hotmail dot com
hi Mel
congratulations and thanks for such wonderful inspiration!
Karyn S
karynjohn at iprimus dot com dot au
Wow - 3 years - and counting!!
Congratulations on a wonderful 3 years, and here's to many more.
donna xx
Congrats from Poland .I wish you many ideas :)Babara
barbara_g84 at o2 dot pl
Wow! 3 years is amazing! You have taught all of us sooo much throughout these years. I'm soo greatful you like to blog, play with paper and share your talent with us. I hope we'll see you many more years!
Thanks for the opportunity to win the blog candy.
shellysart at verizon dot net
Hi Mel,
Congrats on your 3 wonderful years! I look forward every morning to look at your blog, you make wonderful things and I love your tutorials. I hope your health is better. Thanks for all the tutorial and pretty projects.
congrats on 3 great years!!!
It would be great to receive such a gift! Thank you for this opportunity. saluti dall'italia
public tomorrow the post on
wow!!!!!!!!!! you have come a long way girl!!! congrats!!! 3 years :) huhhhhh! and i have almost just found you... :))) i love your art Mel! thanks for a chance at winning you candy!!
hugs, xx
Hapy Blogoversary and thanks for sharing all your wonderful projects.
jan dot jackman at gmail dot com
Wow!! 709!!! I love your blog and have been a subscriber for a little over a year.. don't want to miss any of your blathering (hee hee). ;)
Congrats on 3 year blogoversary Mel, and happy anniversary too!
darlamcc at eastlink dot ca
709 Amazing posts too~
I always skim your posts first and look at the images --- then I go back and read. Well today I saw those cards and thought, "huh. Those look like regular cards. Wonder who she's telling us about here." Then I read that they were yours. Wow~ YOU did regular (awesome, but regular) work back then!
So now I'm dancing around thinking... "There's hope for me, there's hope for me!" LOL
Thank you for three wonderful years (even though I wasn't here for all of 'em)!
shadohart at gmail dot com
congratulations on three years - I havent even been going a year yet and am so chuffed at all the friends I have made through blogging.
my email is amandaboldy (at) sky dot com
well I am comment 175 so things have changed, congratulations and thanks for your tutorials and ideas.
Happy 3 yrs. Anniversary and Happy Anniversary to you & your DH! How many years? We just celebrate 39 yrs.
Thanks for the chance to win too!
Hahhhhhhaaappy hahhhhhaaappy hahaaaappy happy anniversary, sorry my signing is way off. LOL
Congratulations Mel on your 3 years blogging. Wow how the time flies. And how things have developed and grown. I love visiting here to get inspiration.
thanks much
inkylin at new dot rr dot com
I love you!!!! Thanks for 3 years of creativity and inspiration! I have never won any blog candy before, please pick me!
lorrinda at telus dot net
m.edelen at hotmail dot com
hi Mel
congratulations and thanks for such wonderful inspiration!
Karyn S
karynjohn at iprimus dot com dot au
Congratulations on 3 years!!!! That's a fantastic feat! I love your tutorials, ideas and inspirational projects.
cynlee at hotmail dot com
Congrats on your 3 blogging years! I enjoy your blog!
Congrats on your three year anniversary!!! I can hardly wait for your blog to appear and see what wonderful creations you have to share. I have learned so much and am so thankful you are willing to share your talents with us. Again, happy anniversary and many more to come.
Congrats on 3 years! I visit your blog often and I hope you have many more!
WoW!! Box is beauty!!
Congrats on three years!!
a belated happy!
Congratulation on both anniversaries! Your blog is inspirational!
how time flies when you're having fun, eh?! thanx for 3 years of inspiration AND the blog candy opp!
Congratulations Mel .
looks like things have changed a lot in 3 years
Thanks for this chance.
Hi Mel - wow 3 years - happy Blogaversary - I have only discovered you recently but love what I am seeing. I am off to link your Candy to my Blog:
and would love you to visist sometime! Thanks for the opportunity to play for the delish Candy!! God bless you - and Happy Anniversary too!
Congratulations on three years of blogging. I found you about a year ago, and have been loving the artsy inspiration ever since. I like how you not only show us the cards, but "how" you made them.
captainkitty at hotmail dot com
Congrats on 3 years. I could only wish to have as many followers in 3 years as you. Your cards are awesome!!
Thanks for the chance to win some goodies! As a stamper you can never have enough!
Happy belated birthday ;)
Congrats 3 great years.great tutorians and lovely graft i love you blog.
Big Congrats on 3 years! Your style is so inspirational, Thank You for sharing your talent and techniques!!!
eqcare2 at hughes dot net
Congratulations for your 3 years of wonderful work.
cards.and.butterflies at gmail dot com
Keep up the terrific work!
Congratulations on your anniversary and 3 year blogaversary. I just love your blog, i have been subscribing for a while now, but actually found your blog about 18 months ago, and all i have to say is WOW.
Like your self, i'm been ill for over a year now,and reading your blog and seeing your work has given me the inspiration to make cards for friends and family. i have just started selling them too. I would say i'm ADDICTED to your blog there is so much information about different techniques and all the stuff to make not just cards. Thank you, Thank you keep up the great work your doing for us Mel and hope your feeling better soon.
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