So, Google Reader will be gone on Monday, July 1st. It's not nice to say, but I won't really miss it all that much. While I do appreciate the work that went into it, I found it sort of difficult to navigate...
My new fave?
Bloglovin' seems to be the Belle of the blog-reader ball, since it's easy to use & visually appealing:
You can have updates delivered via email in a tidy digest format so your inbox is not overrun:

> To join bloglovin' click here and then hit the join bloglovin' button and continue...
> Quick & easy transfer of your google reader, here.
Want to Follow my blog with Bloglovin ?
After you've signed up, simply click here:
& here's some more info that you might find useful (for Readers & Bloggers)...
Bloglovin' is surprisingly thoughtful towards bloggers - allowing readers to comment
directly from the feeds while still giving page hits to blogs! This article shares the details.
by Megan at " I teach, what's your super power?":
Thank You for enduring the housekeeping!
Here's hoping that your blog surfing is a blast, ox
P.S. Special thanks to Lobster, the gorgeous free font (I used it here in the header thingamajiggies) It makes the most lovely cut files!
I added bloglovin' to my blog also, Mel! Just added you to my bloglovin' list to follow. Have a great weekend.
I'm really does this mean that all the folks that I am following will soon disappear from my Google list????
That's frightening!
THanks a bunch! I never knew about this! I hope you are doing super great! I miss talking to you! Been doing a lot of sewing of little things lately! Going to transfer my 100's of sites from google reader now! So glad i read this b/c I didn't know GR was going away!!!!!
thank'n YOU once again kiddo!
You write the BEST posts Mel!
Thank You~
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