obsessively altering copyright-free artworks using Photoshop.
Cutting, copying, pasting, tinting, erasing, layer after layer...
This particular print was originally a bee botanical print
from The amazing Graphics Fairy, Karen.
I de-bumble-bee'd it and I thought you might like it.
from The amazing Graphics Fairy, Karen.
I de-bumble-bee'd it and I thought you might like it.
Granted, the original bees (who were smoked out) were very lovely, but those

(or in various sizes on flickr here)

dark antique background:

How to save these freebies (directly from my blog):
PC users in Firefox/Chrome: right click on the image & choose "save link as"
PC users in Explorer: right click on the image & choose "save target as"
Mac users: Visit the flickr set here, click the thumbnail for the paper that you want (to open
its flickr page) Then select all sizes & click on "download the original size of this photo"

This digital work is offered up for free, but mainly for personal use only.
Happy Crafting!
What a treat of your hard work...thank you Mel!
Beautiful images, Mel, and how generous to share them, many thanks xxx
oooh, I totally agree, thanks for d-bee'ing and sharing!! it's beautiful!!
good to see YOU too!!!!
we just had our first snow YIKES! the garden is DONE!! last picking of bell peppers=57, jalapenos=15#!!
Good to know I'm not alone in altering. I spend hours deleting nodes in Inkscape to get some thing just the way I want it. Thanks for this wonderful print!
Thank you, Mel! This is lovely.
Thanks Mel. I agree, it does look nice minus the bees.
Beautifully done! Thanks for the freebie.
I love this! Thanks so much Mel!
What a wonderful file. Thank you.
You are so good with Photoshop! Wonderful work! Glad to see you on the blog! :)
These are so lovely. I think that vintage flowers are my favorite images. Thanks for sharing!
The "stars of the show, indeed!" I've been looking for art for a personal project for many months and, sans a working naming convention I've just thrown-in an exclamation point where I really like something. Your work has the distinction of being the first to have not one, but two of these, as in, "!OMG Perfect!" Then I realized you'd been so kind as to provide multiple backgrounds and I think my head exploded. There really is something about the easy elegance of this piece. If only I'd found your site eight months ago!
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