My Scanner and computer is still being HALish, but the templates are scanned at long last. :0)
Templates available in PDFs here
You can make one side-less, or you can make a big template (on 12x12 cardstock by tracing the main purse body & then adding sides by tracing them too. (My scanner bed will only fit 8.5x11 but I tricked it, muhahaha!) It's a bit of a pain in the derriรจre for you to trace the parts separately, but it will give ya a schnifty purse template. :0)
There's instructions on how to save, print, & use the templates at the link above, but if I've made 'em confusing or you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to leave me a comment there, here, or in my email (
Blog Posts on the purses here:
White purse with sides
Black side-less purse
SCS posts on purses here:
White purse with sides
Black Side-less purse
Hope they're useful to you! :0)

P.S. Like purses? There are 103 templates linked here.
There's instructions on how to save, print, & use the templates at the link above, but if I've made 'em confusing or you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to leave me a comment there, here, or in my email (
Blog Posts on the purses here:
White purse with sides
Black side-less purse
SCS posts on purses here:
White purse with sides
Black Side-less purse
Hope they're useful to you! :0)
P.S. Like purses? There are 103 templates linked here.
Anyone agree with me that Mel should be declared a National Treasure for all the wonderful tutorials, links and "hot-to's" she finds us? Thank you, thank you, thank you Mel... you're a star!
Marion, UK
Excuse me gals, I meant to say "how-to". Ooops!
BLUSH! Thank you so much Marion. You're an angel. You made my day! (Or should I say night, since I just woke up at 1:44AM with an urge to stamp --maybe I should just be declared a loony insomniac? heehee)
Mel......WOW I was so touched by your lovely comments on my blog. Thank you sooooo much....and for adding me to your blog roll.
I am going to return the compliment and add you to mine. Your blog is wonderful.
WOW! Your work is WOW! Amazing! :)
These are AWESOME! So very fantastic!
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