Some Marker Links:
A great write up by Julie on SCS about water-based and Copics (though I think you should consider breaking the no copics on heat-embossing rule, I love em on white embossing. Just let the marker cure (or dry well) & the stickiness goes away.
Faux Copics:
- The Copic look with Bics/Sharpies (video) by Jacquie
- more faux copic goodness--with BIC Mark-It markers (WAY cheaper than Copics) These are gorgeous
Trix with Copics:
- I Like Markers ROCKS
- Copic website (ideas section)
- Debbie rocks the Copics
- Faux watercolour with Copics by Kurtis
- Custom colour mixing by Sharon
- Copic Patterns by Nichole (stunning!)
- Ellen Hutson is brilliant with Copics too: Copic markers on Parchment
- Copics over patterned paper
(lets you erase)
Copic fine brushstroke & gel medium Impasto
(+free digi link list)
Pouncing Copic technique:

(on gesso)
Copics on Microglaze:
Stuff to do with Stampin' Up markers:
- Maria's wicked watercolouring with SU markers tutorial
- Nicole's The Ink Blog has great ideas (scroll down to the "markers" subheading)
- Erin's watercolour with markers
- Emboss SU markers on gesso cardstock
Love your work Mel!!
My reader did something strange, it showed me your new post, but didn't show that it was new. Strange.
Thanks for the freebie and all the links. Nighty night ;-)
Thanks for the links and the freebie.
I'm off to check out the links!
Hi, Mel-a-licious!!! Thank you, thank you for the uber-kewl digital paper; I {heart it}!
Guess what, Mel-a-licious?? I've used it ... and now have linked my desktop to this post ... ummm, 'cuz I used it for my desktop wallpaper! It's scrummy, yummy, and delicious ... and looks sooooooooo purty!
If I use it on anything like ... real ... of course, I'll link back to this post!!
Thank you, thank you! You da bestest of the best and I {heart} you big lots!
Does your mind ever rest?!
You are just amazing and you come up with the most unique, creative and inspiring ideas!
You are just amazing!
{shaking head with little smile on face :)}
Thank you for ALL you do, Marilyn
Oh, that is beautiful! I will be printing it out when I get home from work! Thanks so much for sharing the BG and how you made it!
Mel, you mind reader you! :)
Two days ago I was drooling over your background, thinking of asking your permission to print it and use it on a card.
THANK YOU! It's a great, great design and it can be used in so many ways - background paper, layering/3D, using part of it for a cool elegant border. LOVE IT!
And love you too, wonderful person :)
P.S. I saved this page URL and I'll make sure to link to it when I post my card. I linked to the doodle tabs template too when I posted my card on Circle of Crafters. Thanks a lot!
Thats so pretty!! Thank you!!
Wow! This is very pretty! You always amaze me. Wish we lived closer together so we could have a play date, I would love to learn from you!!
Thanks for the free download Mel and thank you for the links:)
OMGosh, You doodled that fabulous floral fantasy?!?! YOU Rock, chickie!!! That is amazing, really--love it! And you are so helpful with providing all these great links--I need ALL the help I can get with coloring and I totally want to get the Copic look! TFS all your great stuff! have a super weekend!
More yummy links and again, thanks for the freebie.
Hey :) I am a 14 year old artist who has just been inspired by your great work! I hope I can be as fantastic as you are! Love your work!
love- Mel
P.S. (same name!)
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